
The Georgia Spa Shooter, Arrested for Misgendering, Trump’s Social Media Company | HBR News 299


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we discuss the new proposed social media platform former President Donald Trump is working on, the facts surrounding the Georgia Spa Shooting spree(as well as the narrative), a father has been arrested for discussing his child’s gender transition being imposed by his ex-wife, and more!…

The Mask Explodes As the SJW Empire Reveals Itself | HBR News 289


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! While we would normally have several different stories with their own central message or point, but this week is a little different. In light of all the insanity that’s occurred in the past week, we’re basically doing just one story and all the related events(or as many as we can fit) surrounding the massive...

Former Feminist Commentator Brittany Simon’s Harrowing Experience With a “Fan” | Fireside Chat 150


Join us on the Fireside Chat as we have on returning guest Brittany Simon. Simon used to be a youtuber who would discuss feminism, alternate lifestyles, LGBTQ issues and much more. She has not had a large online presence for some time now and has quite an interesting story to tell regarding her experience online and IRL.…

Youtube’s first sandboxed video; white women get out! – Polecat News 124


Join us on this week’s polecat news show as we cover a child punished for not getting someone’s pronouns right, youtube’s first sanboxed video, and how white women are now out of the progressive stack. Join us on this week’s polecat news show as we cover a child punished for not getting someone’s pronouns right, youtube’s first sanboxed video, and how white...

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