Join us on HBR Debate as we continue to look at a blog post from “Radical Wind” where she(I assume) helps us to understand what a non-patriarchal world run by women would look like, and how is would be paradise… as soon as it has been sufficiently purged.…
Teal Swan on What Women Should Know About Men | HBR Debate 47
Join us on HBR Debate as we look at a video from popular YouTuber Teal Swan entitled “What Every Woman Should Know About Men” where she attempts to inform women on maleness and the ways the feminist movement has damaged women’s perception of men and therefore women’s ability to form healthy relationships with men.…
Speaking to Criticisms From Nate of the White Wellbeing Outreach Team | Fireside Chat 173
Join us on the Fireside Chat with special guest Nate, who represents a community known as the White Wellbeing Outreach Team. They reached out to us because while they believe the work we do is important and good for western civilization, they believe we might be making a mistake by not discussing race, specifically the war on whiteness.…
Talking With Nick Reading: Should MRAs Build Bridges With Feminists? | Week in Men’s Rights
Join Brian and Nick Reading on a show as we look at a couple of videos featuring Dr. Warren Farrell reacting to the new proposed policy changes regarding gender equity under the Biden/Harris administration. It looks like Biden is letting people down left and….…
Chicago’s Women Only Transit Proposal, the Church of Woke Censors EVERYONE | HBR News 290
Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we are talking about an unofficial proposal to adopt women only transit in Chicago, the latest Project Veritas leaks regarding Twitter and PBS, AOC calls for the reigning in of “misinformation” from “far right” sources, the girl who turned in her parents for sedition, and more!…
Brian and Lindsey REACT to “Belle Delphine Talks Incel Culture” on the H3H3 Podcast
Time for something a little different! Brian and Lindsey are going to react and discuss a clip from the H3 podcast where host Ethan Klein and his wife(who’s name I haven’t bothered to learn) speak with UWU qween and THOT troll Belle Delphine about hate and perhaps incels.…
Marriage Disproportionally Benefits Men…. Yes Really | HBR Debate 42
Hello and welcome to HBR Debate where Alison and Brian discuss a Medium blog post by one Renata Gomes entitled: “Marriage Disproportionally Benefits Men” where Renata tries to make the case as to why women initiate 70% of all divorce and how patriarchy is benefitting men and making this all possible!…
The Cut Says White Nationalists Weaponize Motherhood, But They’re Kinda Right | HBR Debate 28
Join us on HBR Debate as we examine an article from the Cut entitled “How White Nationalists Weaponize Motherhood” where the author tries to warn us about how white nationalists gain literal man-power because of their desire to please women.…
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