TagWage Gap

The House vs the Pay Gap, Pausing the Case Against the Draft | HBR News 303


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we discuss the bill being pushed through the House of Representatives that will supposedly solve the “wage gap”, the Biden Administration asks the Supreme Court to drop the case currently challenging the constitutionality of the draft and selective service, the Australian kids’ show about dogs that...

Women Drivers, Victoria School Forces Boys to Apologize, The Lie That Will Never Die | HBR News 300


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we discuss the Seuz Canal incident and the recent developments, the Australian school that forces boys to apologize for rape culture, the teen girls who carjacked and murdered an Uber driver, the soccer player Meghan Rapinoe, also known as the Rachael Maddow legendary skin, talks once again about the wage gap, the...

Johnny Depp FIRED! Statue of Mary Wollstonecreaft Erected! Election Shenanigans! | HBR News 281


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we talk about Johnny Depp having to step down from his role in Warner Bros Fantastic Beasts franchise because he’s a “wife-beater”, shenanigans ensue all over the USA as Joe Biden is declared the President Elect before the counts are in and more!…

The wage gap myth, smashed


by Empress
with comparison data from 
The wage gap does not exist in the way feminists interpret as; there are crucial factors that must be accounted for (i.e career/field of choice and sick days) and one of the factors fortunately is NOT sexism.…

A Poor Lob For Gender Pay Equality


A lob is a tennis term for a ball hit high in the air, often done as a defensive maneuver, to allow the player to move to a better position while forcing the opposing player into a weak position. Recent issues in the Tennis world erupted when Raymond Moore, the tournament director of the BNP Paribas Open, stated that he felt that female tennis players were lucky and owed their status as players...

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