Tagvideo games

Breaking the Narrative 118: Little Girls Are Not Innocent Princesses! Breaking a Review of Rule of Rose!


In the spirit of being unpredictable I want to pull out a rare game as a way to show why the censorship of media is inherently troublesome. This is an example of a game that has been banned in multiple countries across the world, and was targeted with a ban attempt here in the states, though to no serious avail.…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 105: Entertainment is Pushing Forward, The Second Video Game Crash Looms!


Video Gaming as its evolved over the years has helped bridge a lot of gaps, despite the urging of puritans to push forth needless conflict. This is because if they can keep us distracted with their brands of propaganda and keep us from realizing that the one harming us isn’t our neighbor but the ones directing power, then they can rest easy knowing that they can just fatten and grow...

Breaking the Narrative Episode 70: Another Series Overview? Mega Man, Addressing Male Disposability and Dehumanization 30 Years and Counting!


Alright, this time around I’m going back to this particular article series’ roots again by jumping on top of something very topical for this past week. I’m going straight back into video game lore. On December 4th on the official Twitch channel for Capcom, CapcomUnity, they did a livestream announcing the future of the Mega Man series with Mega Man 11 – the first new title...

Breaking the Narrative Episode 59: Game Journos, not every game is Dark Souls. Dark Souls Isn’t Even That Hard.


If you are a regular to my articles I’m sure you are extremely familiar right now with the antics of Dean Takahashi of Venture Beat, what with his inability to tell a Mega Man X styled platformer from a Mario styled one concerning the game Cuphead, maybe even the comparing of many other games such as Crash Bandicoot to Dark Souls.  …

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