
American Men Give Up On College While Afgani Women Get Gender Studies | HBR Society 1


Here we go again with another new show. God knows how many of these we will do before we do this again. On today’s show we will look at two articles that are related in ways you might not find obvious. One from the Wall Street Journal that talks about how men are feeling lost and purposeless in modern society, and one from the Spectator that talks about how hundreds of millions of dollars...

Title IX abuse in university athletic programs


If asked, most feminists will tell you that feminist activism is not an attack on masculinity or the human rights of men and boys. Many of them will quote from Jezebel.com writing full of claims about all of the harm feminists don’t want to do to men (in the midst of a post admitting that man-hating is “a thing,”) and blaming any discrimination men face on the phantom concept of...

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