Tagtoxic femininty

Breaking the Narrative 118: Little Girls Are Not Innocent Princesses! Breaking a Review of Rule of Rose!


In the spirit of being unpredictable I want to pull out a rare game as a way to show why the censorship of media is inherently troublesome. This is an example of a game that has been banned in multiple countries across the world, and was targeted with a ban attempt here in the states, though to no serious avail.…

It’s Gamer Overlords week at Honey Badger Radio


Badgerpod Nerdcast 56: Shaken, not stirred Join the Honey Badgers as we discuss Spy films. It’s Badger, Honey Badger. Host: Brian Martinez Participants: Rachel Edwards, Hannah Wallen, Geek Variety aka. Radio Voice Guy, Skeptor Date: November 9th, 2015 Time: 5 PM Eastern Nerdrevolt 36: I welcome our new Gamer Overlords Join the badgers as we discuss the gamer brain, why gamers hate liars and...

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