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Title IX: Targeting men for whose protection? | HBR Talk 47
Join us on HBR Talk as we examine universities’ response to the many due process and discrimination lawsuits that have resulted from Title IX abuse since the 2011 Dear Colleague standards came into play. Tune in @8pm Eastern
Opening video transcript:
Title IX: Protecting women, or targeting men? Part 2 | HBR Talk 46
Join us on the HBR Talk show as we continue our look at the information discussed at the recent Title IX Research and Resources conference at Rowan University! Tune in @8pm Eastern!
Transcript for opening video
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Title IX: protecting women, or targeting men? | HBR Talk 45
Join us on the HBR Talk show as we look at the information discussed at the recent Title IX Research and Resources conference at Rowan University! Tune in @8pm Eastern!
Transcript for opening video
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Dear Colleague, We need to talk – Badger Talk 8
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What’s the real reason why feminists have so harshly attacked Betsy DeVos? She described how Title IX policy that codifies the 2011 dear colleague letter into law has negatively impacted both sexes.…
Sarkeesian, Sulkowicz and Quinn: favorite tactic in jeopardy | HBR Talk 4 with Hannah Wallen
What Sarkeesian, Sulkowicz and Quinn share in common and wish they didn’t.
Support GA House Bill 51 to secure due process in universities
If your child went to college and was expelled for something he or she didn’t do, would you want the same to happen to other people’s children? The question may be rhetorical, but it’s a real one that citizens of Georgia will have to answer to determine the future of due process in higher education.…
Title IX abuse in university athletic programs
If asked, most feminists will tell you that feminist activism is not an attack on masculinity or the human rights of men and boys. Many of them will quote from writing full of claims about all of the harm feminists don’t want to do to men (in the midst of a post admitting that man-hating is “a thing,”) and blaming any discrimination men face on the phantom concept of...
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