TagThis Is What Sexual Entitlement Looks Like…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 63: What is With Anime This Year? A Review of “My Girlfriend is a Serious Bitch!”


Hooo boy everyone… I did NOT see this one coming. This is going to be a rare bird for me as it literally just came out right before the writing of this so you are kind of getting my live reactions to the content. There is only one episode as of this writing but when I saw the title “僕の彼女がマジメ過ぎるしょびっちな件” which Romanizes into “Boku no Kanojo Majimesugiru ShoBitchi na...

Breaking the Narrative Episode 53: Still Want That Baby Soft Skin Huh? INTACTIVISM NOW!


In approximately 86% of the Western world if you’ve had a son or were born a son during the late 20th century, chances are you’ve been exposed to Male Genital Mutilation, also known as circumcision. Well what if I were to tell you that there is actually a first world country that has both its medical establishment and its citizenry wanting the practice banned?…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 46: Bill Nye, Ya Dun Goofed Guy!


Well going into the month of May I guess I can touch upon this. After reading the title you must be thinking I’m going to weigh in on the gender pandering episode everyone and their mom had gone and mocked thoroughly. No, I’m here to break a much more constant narrative promoted by the Bill Nye Saves the World show – Violence born of video games.…

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