TagThis Is What Sexual Entitlement Looks Like…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 104: Happy International Men’s Day 2018! Flexible Mentorship!


Today on this International Men’s Day of 2018 the theme of the day is strong male role models. Now I’ve talked about male mentors and the importance of mentorship in the past. However these are typically examples of fictional role models, characters you could play as or play with that can be seen as a series of traits to live by.…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 99: Feminists Can’t Write Heroines! A Comparison Between Cinema Heroines and an Anime Heroine!


Within this past month we’ve seen the latest Marvel Cinematic Universe trailer of Captain Marvel. The title character is written in the frame of the more feminist variant of recent comics if the trailer is any indication. This is one in a long line of feminist protagonists that no one can find likable.…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 98: Broke? It Never Even Worked! The Violence Against Women Act’s Incompetence.


Merry Meet all….this article will not be one of jokes or of lightheartedness because the source material I will be using as an example for the core of my argument is rather somber. Whats more is I wish to say I don’t feel any one person in this dour event is particularly at fault so much as the combination systems and actions by the feminist ideologues that have done their damnedest...

Breaking the Narrative Episode 96: Fandom isn’t Toxic Trekspertise. Put Down the Kool-Aid.


This week I’m covering a request from a fan of my work here: A YouTube video by Trekspertise called “The Rise of Toxic Fandom: A Theory.” Since this is a rarity for my work I’m simply attaching the direct video link. I do have to request you not leave any comments on the video as due to the fact I don’t believe it will do any good, though it might help to have this...

Breaking the Narrative Episode 93: Boy’s Love or Simple Male Bonding? A Review of Banana Fish!


This summer season of anime has shown some of the usual mindless fare that could be expected. However, there is one anime this time around that has honestly shocked me, something rare for this day and age to be sure. Before I begin, I want to explain that this particular title is not simply purely for adults but is NOT for the faint of heart.…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 89: Tennessee’s Opening of Pandora’s Gynocentric Box


It is no secret that we are often saddled even now with the issue and question of suffrage, also known as the Right to Vote in the United States. For the longest time, as seen in historically researched texts, this was more linked to the ownership of property as opposed to the common misconception that gender and race were determining factors.…

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