
Julie Bindel Tells Us How British Feminism is Doing Feminism the Bestest | HBR Debate 55


Join us on HBR Debate as we go through a calm-versation between Benjamin Boyce and feminist Julie Bindel. Julie Bindel is an author and second wave feminist who is well known around the world for her work. She tells us that her narrative of men oppressing women under patriarchy is somehow unique from other feminisms and their narrative of men oppressing women under patriarchy.…

Challenging the “Evolutionary Psychology” of PUA and MGTOW: the absurd Alpha-Beta paradigm


I’ve spent the last few years trying to be nice to people spreading what I consider pernicious anti-male attitudes about sex and reproduction throughout the “manosphere.” As feminism is increasingly culturally on the defensive, and even conservatives are starting to notice men need to have reasons other than “duty” to want to be with women, and as the concept of “Men’s...

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