TagThe Gender Lens

Gender Dynamics In a Nutshell


There are a lot of conflicting things going on in the realm of gender.
We have women with far greater levels of in group bias, yet people don’t see women as capable leaders.
The “in group bias study” is the not the only study that found the “Women are Wonderful” or “Benevolent Sexism*” (as feminists term it) effect.…

TALES OF THE RED PILL – Hogpunk’s Journey


Commenter Hogpunk contributed a comment in my thread about sons of feminists that I found so to the point that I asked if I could post it as an article, and he has graciously assented:
Hello Genderratic,
Gingko asked me for permission to post this comment I made on your blog; this is a cleaned up and very slightly altered version which I am more happy with.…

APEXUALITY – Women can do it too


Here’s an autobiographical article from a women who has succeeded in the advertising industry. What she is describing – women not helping women, not acting in solidarity with women, no longer feeling as if they are in the culture of women, is plain old apexuality.…

GENERAL – You Don’t Know Me


In the discussions around gender we have gotten used to feminists making sweeping statements about men and men’s proclivities and tendencies – essentially claims to understand men’s psychology. You’ll see statements about how porn makes men rape, or how men commit DV as a means of maintaining patriarchy, or how men only want equal custody of their kids to get out of paying child support (although...

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