Why Feminist Architecture is the Most Pressing Thing Today | Brian & Lindsey React


Join us on today’s show as we react to a TEDx video presentation from intersectional feminist architect Afaina de Jong. With her studio AFARAI (2005), she aims to cross the boundaries of the traditional architecture practice by dealing with the existing city with an intersectional and interdisciplinary approach, integrating theory and research with design.…

TEDx Speaker Bobbi Wegner Says “Feminist Boys Are Our Future Men” | HBR Debate 11


Join us on Episode 10 or HBR Debate as we look at this TEDx talk by clinical psychologist Dr. Bobbi Wegner explores the role our brain plays in unconsciously gendertyping women and how that feeds a culture of sexual violence and inequity. She offers 3 powerful pieces of practical advice on how to talk to children about this, changing the way men and women see each other from a very early age...

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