Tagsocial justice

Breaking the Narrative Episode 119: Free College as The Democrat Platform? Conveniently Insufficient!


Recently we’ve had the announcements by both Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden for candidacy for the 2020 Election on the Democratic ticket. While I believe that Biden is gonna fall short despite his pleas to the politics of the far left, due to his misunderstanding of them, I am of the mind that the platform piece that is going to more openly determine who ends up on top of the pecking order is...

Privilege and Prejudice: Social Justice in an age of Shame Immunization.


By Robert Crayle I recently read an article by a blogger named Loki the Scottish Rapper called “PRIVILEGE AND PREJUDICE: SOCIAL JUSTICE IN AN AGE OF MALE CONFUSION.” I thought I would pick out a few snippets from this blog. Quotes from the article are in speech marks: “If we don’t initiate our young men into the tribe they will come back and burn the village down – or so the...

Gay Men Are Not Oppressed? Really?


Britain’s National Union of Students recently claimed that LGBT student societies affiliated with the NUS should not have specific gay male representatives on the grounds that gay males are not oppressed within LGBT culture (). Many people took this article and misinterpeted it as a claim that gay men are not oppressed at all, but this article is still telling of a great shift within the...

Letter to the badgers; on feminism and Quebec


Hello Badgers! (please call me Bob, I’m still closeted)
I wanted to come back to one of your guests in the show of January 29th, a young Quebecois man that seemed a bit in over his head facing off with Karen. Many of the things he said reflect my own impressions of the local situation of the SJW mentality, and I felt his points deserved to be clarified and expanded.…

A question of respect


A question I heard out of context today kind of crystallized for me an aspect of the #gamergate controversy, multiple men’s issues, and the difference in public response to incidents of domestic violence among famous people depending on whether the perceived perpetrator is male or female.…

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