TagSocial Justice Invasion

Breaking an Opinion Episode 6: Are Weebs Really Going To Win the Culture War?


Well this has been a hectic week so to speak, particularly within the vein of anime with the filing of the Vic Mignogna v. Funimation lawsuit. However, I am wanting to approach this from the possible consequences of this event. How this would change defamation law interpretations, how this might give the falsely accused more ways to fight back, and perhaps even the potential abolition of the...

Reading, writing, and… resentment?


Q: How does a social justice organization attempt to promote unity and community among students and parents in a diverse school system? A: Engage in a divisive misplaced guilt campaign! Recently, a group called Students Promoting Unity and Diversity (SPUD) offered an identity politics propaganda display to parents from the Oakland County, Michigan school system to promote a social justice program...

Who Stole the Hugos?


On August 21st, the Hugo Awards were voted on and given out. This year was a bit controversial, as a group known as the Sad Puppies appeared to influence the nomination with a slate. This upset a great many within the Hugo Award community, and thus they decided to get even.…

Upcoming Shows this week(Feb 22nd-27th) on Honey Badger Radio


BadgerPod Gamergate # 5: Gamergate Debate! We know that canvasses painted black are art, vaginal egg splatters are art, but are games art? Join the badgers as we debate… Are games art? Host: Brian Martinez Participants: Alison Tieman, Mike(DrRandomercam), Sour Grape Date: February 23rd, 2015 Time: 5 PM Eastern Honey Badger Radio: The Politics of Making Join the badgers as we discuss the...

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