TagSexual Violence

Woman faces standard male experience – women outraged! | HBR Talk 117


In the United Kingdom, the definition of rape is written to exclude all forms of sexual assault committed by women. This means that no matter what level of sexual violence a female perpetrator might engage in, the recourse her victim can have will not include being recognized as a rape victim, or knowing their perpetrator must bear the stigma of the label “rapist.”…

On the Sexual Assault of Men | HBR Talk 194


Deborah Powney joins HBR Talk this week to look at a recent report on the sexual assault of men. The discussion streams on multiple platforms. You can tune into the youtube livestream, or find other viewing options on honeybadgerbrigade.com.  This video is not made for children, but we have also not age-restricted it, because anyone who is old enough to receive sex education in their health...

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