TagSexual assault

X-Cards, Robot Rape & Reverse Gatekeeping With the RPGPundit | Fireside Chat 149


Join us on the Fireside Chat as we talk with YouTuber, game designer and tabletop apostate RPGPundit as we discuss some of the ways the woke populace within the tabletop hobby are marginalizing the people who built it up while attempting a top-down approach of alienating tabletop enthusiasts, and the sketchy things that happen surrounding them.…

Honey Badger Hangout: RAINN: Rape-Apologizing, Ideology-Negating Nasties!


Halifax has seen an invasion of “Don’t Be That Guy” posters that tell all men to not rape. An anonymous individual has illustrated the wrongness of that generalization with posters of their own. The posters turn the man-hating message of “Don’t Be That Guy” on it’s ear with slogans like “Just because it’s your baby, doesn’t mean it’s your trash” and “Just because it can fit your purse, doesn’t...

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