
Breaking the Narrative Episode 15: Cosplay is not Consent? Then Why Did You Jump On Me?


So since the past few years have seen a lot of signs talking about cosplay, slut shaming, and groping at various geek culture conventions. I couldn’t help but poke my head into this because of my own experience. Full disclosure here, I have been going to anime conventions since 2003 when I was 17 at the first Ikasucon in Cincinnati, Ohio.…

Privilege and Prejudice: Social Justice in an age of Shame Immunization.


By Robert Crayle I recently read an article by a blogger named Loki the Scottish Rapper called “PRIVILEGE AND PREJUDICE: SOCIAL JUSTICE IN AN AGE OF MALE CONFUSION.” I thought I would pick out a few snippets from this blog. Quotes from the article are in speech marks: “If we don’t initiate our young men into the tribe they will come back and burn the village down – or so the...

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