
Chicago’s Women Only Transit Proposal, the Church of Woke Censors EVERYONE | HBR News 290


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we are talking about an unofficial proposal to adopt women only transit in Chicago, the latest Project Veritas leaks regarding Twitter and PBS, AOC calls for the reigning in of “misinformation” from “far right” sources, the girl who turned in her parents for sedition, and more!…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 89: Tennessee’s Opening of Pandora’s Gynocentric Box


It is no secret that we are often saddled even now with the issue and question of suffrage, also known as the Right to Vote in the United States. For the longest time, as seen in historically researched texts, this was more linked to the ownership of property as opposed to the common misconception that gender and race were determining factors.…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 58: Back Again AniFem? How NOT to Go to a Convention!


Its been a while since I picked apart an AniFem article.  But apparently they decided to stick their heads into AnimeFest in Dallas, TX and make a ‘report‘ on it. So what I’m going to do here is go through how they are approaching conventions and explain how they either don’t understand the culture and etiquette of a good convention, how they likely ticked off the fans of...

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