Tagrole models

Are Sony and Mattel considering casting a rapist to play a role model for little girls?


According to Hollywood Reporter and Movieweb.com articles, Amy Schumer is being considered for the role in Sony’s live-action screenplay featuring Mattel’s iconic Barbie™. The evolution of Barbie™ has been shaped over the years by feminist interests, as Mattel responded to complaints when aspects of the toy’s design and character were deemed problematic by various women’s...

Breaking the Narrative Special 2: Breaking a Review with Kunio-Kun!


Hello everyone, hope you’ve had a good week coming to terms with the results of last week and are ready to delve into something we don’t usually do around here. Oh and I know I’m a couple of days late and all since my articles upload on Mondays but… since this is the nearest one to it, HAPPY BELATED INTERNATIONAL MEN’S DAY!…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 13:A Feminine Touch, Oh My! Female Mentors in Video Games.


Last week we started this two-parter with male mentor characters in video games. Now I hope you did your homework and commented on it with something productive because some of that is going to be touched upon later on with this one. If not that’s ok, I’m planning on in a month or so to do a part three based purely on what I find in comments for both of these articles to finish up on...

Disney Review #2: Doc McStuffins


Next in my continuing series of Disney Junior cartoon reviews is the extremely female-friendly, very much girrl power Doc McStuffins. The basis of the show concerns a little girl who goes by the nickname “Doc” and acts as a doctor to stuffed animals and toys.…

Disney Review #1: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse


It has become quite commonplace for the folks who embody “girrl power” to criticize every bit of media in terms of whether girls are being aptly represented (to their standards, of course). It is especially common for them to chastise children’s shows, as the viewership is young and impressionable.…

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