
Pre-Sex Crimes Are Here: Man Required to Report Sexual Activity 24 Hours in Advance


Government invasion of privacy is about to reach a new low, according to according to an article from the BBC, as a North Yorkshire man is now required to report sexual activity to the police at least 24 hours in advance or face five years in prison. The magistrate’s civil order, acquired by the BBC, reads , “You must disclose the details of any female including her name, address and...

Justice Department Guidance on Identifying and Preventing Gender Bias in Law Enforcement Response to Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence


In December, 2015, the US Department of Justice (DoJ), issued new guidelines to to help law enforcement agencies (LEAs) prevent gender bias in their response to sexual assault and domestic violence. The Justice Department’s Office on Violence Against Women (OVW), the Civil Rights Division and the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) collaborated to produce the guidance...

Reforming Rising Sun Rape


When men’s rights activists fight to get resources, the law and even the culture reformed for men who suffer from rape experiences across a wide variety of countries, feminism often stands in the way. Indeed, it could be and has been said that the gynocentric views feminism engenders serve to strengthen the apathy to achieving justice and closure for male rape victims.…

Badger Pod Nerd Cast Three


Rapeman: the hero we deserve
By: Rachel Edwards
My experiences with hentai are a mile long. So you might say that I was asking for this review. But jokes aside, I found the plot of rapeman to be a feel good black comedy for the ages. If there isn’t room for rapeman in your hearts, you can be assured that he will force his way in.…

Honey Badger Hangout: Anita you so cray!


Shout outs Permutation of Ninjas is asking us all to email RAINN on March 15th to change their definition of rape to include the majority of male victims. RAINN currently uses a definition of rape that excludes most male rape victims—in particular male victims of female rapists—RAINN then promotes statistics based on this definition, minimizing the extent and scope of sexual victimization of men...

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