
Catching Up With The Centre for Male Psychology With Dr. John Barry | Fireside Chat 206


Join us on the Fireside Chat with special returning guest Dr. John Barry of the Centre for Male Psychology! The Centre for Male Psychology evolved from the success of the UK-based Male Psychology Network (MPN). The seeds of this voluntary organization were sown by a letter from consultant clinical psychologist Martin Seager, published in the BPS Psychologist magazine in December 2010.…

Your doctor is too political! | HBR Talk 214


Last week on HBR Talk, Prim Reaper and Therapy Snek joined us to begin a read through of a resignation letter published by outgoing president of the American Psychological Association’s Society for Media and Technology, Christopher J. Ferguson. This week, as we continue to read and consider the issues he has raised, listeners might be advised think about the purpose of psychological medicine and...

Wrongthink Boogeyman: A glitch in the matrix | HBR Talk 72


What is scarier than your worst fear? The answer, for a victim identity cultist, is facing information that challenges a bias you’re accustomed to treating as a balanced view.
HBR Talk discusses the disconnect that happens in gender issues discussion when concepts MRAs introduce challenge the foundational attitudes & beliefs behind folks’ narratives.…

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