TagPresident Donald J Trump

The Georgia Spa Shooter, Arrested for Misgendering, Trump’s Social Media Company | HBR News 299


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we discuss the new proposed social media platform former President Donald Trump is working on, the facts surrounding the Georgia Spa Shooting spree(as well as the narrative), a father has been arrested for discussing his child’s gender transition being imposed by his ex-wife, and more!…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 121: When false allegations fail in politics: If you can’t win, move the goalposts!


Since the Steele Dossier, Mueller Probe, and every other attempt to discredit the administration of President Donald Trump has failed, the Democratic Party establishment that has all but violated the needs of its primary constituency for the better part of the past 4 years has gotten desperate to retain its power.…

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