Youtube forced us to remove this information, so here is the transcript:We get told all of the time by political ideologues what kind of dangerous culture we live in; rape culture, drug culture, gun culture, gang culture, even cancel culture… there are dramatic political arguments around every one of those labels.…
The destructive nature of Patriarchy scapegoating | HBR Talk 177
This week, HBR Talk will be discussing feminists’ use of Patriarchy as a scapegoat, how that hinders women’s ability to admit when their behavior harms men, and how it also hinders women’s ability to head off perfectly avoidable problems before they occur.…
Alienable rights – a true American horror story | HBR Talk 176
This week, HBR Talk will be discussing the importance of civil rights considerations to men’s issues initiatives such as efforts at getting equally shared parenting legislation passed, the National Coalition for Men’s lawsuit against the male-only selective service system, and public opposition to warmongering among US leadership.…
The progressive sledgehammer of beneficence | HBR Talk 174
This week, HBR Talk is going to examine the ruling classes’ exploitation of the concepts of disadvantage and compassion as a mechanism to fuel a neverending grift, and how in the process they’ve falsely pitted women’s welfare against men’s human rights, to the detriment of everyone. …
How can we make people understand? | HBR Talk 172
This week, HBR Talk will feature Deborah Powney discussing her recent work, especially her new youtube channel and its premiere video, a heartbreaking and compelling presentation of the experiences of abused men, as told by the victims themselves. You can tune in Thursday at 7:30PM Eastern, or find other viewing and listening options for that time or later, on…
The dystopian quandry | HBR Talk 170
This week HBR Talk will discuss the pattern of thought and behavior that precede deadly state violence, including genocides and politicides, in comparison to the current impact of social justice victim ideologies in first world nations. You can tune in Thursday at 7:30PM Eastern, or find other viewing and listening options for that time or later, on…
Back for more! Masculinities and covid-19, continued | HBR Talk 169
This week, Deborah Powney again joins HBR Talk as we continue to examine the report, masculinities and covid-19, published by Promundo Global and Durham University. You can tune in Thursday at 7:30PM Eastern, or find other viewing and listening options for that time or later, on…
UK considers making misandry a hate crime | HBR Talk 168
The United Kingdom is considering making misandry and misogyny hate crimes. Guess which one is controversial! This week, HBR Talk will discuss the proposal and the controversy. You can tune in Thursday at 7:30PM Eastern, or find other viewing and listening options for that time or later, on…
The Biden Administration Ends Sexism With Lauren Brooks and Brian Martinez | Week in Men’s Rights
Join us on a show as we look at the proposed policy changes and executive orders put forth by the new Biden/Harris administration regarding women’s issues. Will they solve sexism and make feminism obsolete? Find out tonight @6:30 pm Eastern!…
Discussion with Diana Davison: The lighthouse project and due process issues | HBR Talk 162
HBR Talk 162 will feature Diana Davison, to tell us about the Lighthouse Project and discuss issues surrounding false accusations, faulty law and policy, court biases, and the civil right of due process. The discussion streams on multiple platforms.…
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