
Woman faces standard male experience – women outraged! | HBR Talk 117


In the United Kingdom, the definition of rape is written to exclude all forms of sexual assault committed by women. This means that no matter what level of sexual violence a female perpetrator might engage in, the recourse her victim can have will not include being recognized as a rape victim, or knowing their perpetrator must bear the stigma of the label “rapist.”…

Your doctor is too political! | HBR Talk 214


Last week on HBR Talk, Prim Reaper and Therapy Snek joined us to begin a read through of a resignation letter published by outgoing president of the American Psychological Association’s Society for Media and Technology, Christopher J. Ferguson. This week, as we continue to read and consider the issues he has raised, listeners might be advised think about the purpose of psychological medicine and...

Feminists hate this one fact about sex trafficking | HBR Talk 208


The recent trial of Ghislaine Maxwell temporarily brought the public’s attention to an aspect of the sex trade industry that receives less consideration than it should: Female human traffickers.The details of Maxwell’s charges indicated a high level of managerial involvement in crimes that had previously been strictly attributed to Jeffery Epstein.…

Breaking the glasses | HBR Talk 191


This week, HBR Talk will discuss how “strong women” narratives miss the difference between taking charge, and demanding to be in charge, and how that affects women’s impact on their environments and the people who share them. You can tune in to the youtube livestream, or find other viewing and listening options for that time or later, on honeybadgerbrigade.com.…

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