
Privilege and Prejudice: Social Justice in an age of Shame Immunization.


By Robert Crayle I recently read an article by a blogger named Loki the Scottish Rapper called “PRIVILEGE AND PREJUDICE: SOCIAL JUSTICE IN AN AGE OF MALE CONFUSION.” I thought I would pick out a few snippets from this blog. Quotes from the article are in speech marks: “If we don’t initiate our young men into the tribe they will come back and burn the village down – or so the...

The Spectre of feminism


by Alex Thorne
I’ll begin this piece by clumsily using the first line from Karl Marx and Freidrich Engels’ Communist Manifesto: ‘There is a spectre haunting Europe; The spectre of Communism’ [1]. For the purpose of today’s idea, I’d like you to replace the word ‘Communism’ with ‘Feminism’.…

Reading, writing, and… resentment?


Q: How does a social justice organization attempt to promote unity and community among students and parents in a diverse school system? A: Engage in a divisive misplaced guilt campaign! Recently, a group called Students Promoting Unity and Diversity (SPUD) offered an identity politics propaganda display to parents from the Oakland County, Michigan school system to promote a social justice program...

Definitely the only argument against political correctness.


Donald Trump says: “I think the big problem this country (referring to the US) has is being politically correct.” I agree with him. In a quest of “politically correct” and not offend anyone (except, of course, Men, whites and Christians who are always fair game), the PC police among us are quick to go after anyone and everyone who utters a name, term, or phrase, that they...

TPP, CISA, Cryptography, and the Future of The Web


Hello again Badgers. I contacted you before explaining how thanks to the work of clever math and crypto nerds, true censorship on the web has been made essentially impossible. To recap, the Tor anonymity network (and the Tor browser) can be made to look indistinguishable from any other encrypted channel on the net, and large corporate interests are too dependent on good crypto to let it be...

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