This week on HBR Talk, we’re interrupting our slog through relevant parts of the Marco Polo report on the Biden crime family to go over an article on just how close Biden brought us to total annihilation, sent to me by a fellow gen-Xer. Could awareness of this possibility be the reason behind the historical male vote in the 2024 US presidential election?…
What journalism looks like: @Ariblaff’s refreshingly open mind | HBR Talk 252
Last week we went over an article published by the Institute for Family studies, by no means a left-wing publication, which could have easily been mistaken as a feminist-penned hit piece. Disappointing as that article was, we were alerted during the show to a newer article written by the same reporter after he was provided with an opportunity to meet and learn about men’s rights activists.…
What does their letter to Congress expose about Feminist organizations? | HBR Talk 249
We’ve been reading this letter for a few weeks now, and we’re noticing a pattern. We’ve mentioned it in a couple of episodes, but it’s becoming more clear as we delve further into this letter. Tune in Thursday, February 23 at 7:30 PM EST to see if you notice what we have seen.…
The swamps of womeny debates runneth over | HBR Talk 245
What happens when you put feminists and antifeminists in a room together to debate issues related to sex & sexuality? We’re in the process of finding out by watching and commenting on just such a debate, and you can find out with us this Thursday at 7:30PM EST!…
What do the Twitter Files mean for the MRM? | HBR Talk 231
On HBR Talk this week, Hannah Wallen, Lauren Brooks, and Karen Straughan will discuss what the twitter files means to the MRM, given that algorithms and direct interference were used to suppress big name commentators on the right. If it can be done to them, it can be and was probably done to us.…
Are the allegations of patriarchal oppression in Call Jane true?
I recently viewed the trailer for the movie Call Jane, based on the history of Chicago’s illegal abortion network. If you’re a regular listener, you know that the various personalities of Honey Badger Radio differ in our outlooks on this topic.…
The woke mind virus | HBR Talk 222
On previous episodes of HBR Talk, we’ve discussed Woke Ideology as mental pathology; the mental disease of a victim identity cult mentality which robs the infected of their ability to recognize and rationally assess personal agency when considering people’s choices and any consequences that may arise from them. …
We’ve got to talk about woke boundary issues | HBR Talk 221
If you’ve spent any time on social media during the last 15 years, you’ve probably heard the term doxxing, and you probably know what it means, but for the few who don’t, it’s defined as the act of searching for and publishing the private or personally identifying information about a particular individual on the internet.…
A men’s rights activist’s response to a woman’s take on the men’s rights movement.
Hi, Hannah Cox. I’m Hannah Wallen. We haven’t met and you’ve probably never heard of me, but no worries. I’m not all that familiar with you either, and you really only ended up on my radar after someone sent me a link to your FEE stories post, “A Woman’s Take On the Men’s Rights Movement.”…
Three ways male disposability is destroying civilization | HBR Talk 219
A feminist talking point that is growing in popular usage holds that women are discriminated against in health care because scientific experimentation that leads to new practices, procedures, drugs, and other theraputic tool advancement has traditionally used mostly or exclusively male subjects.…
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