Letter to the Badgers: Excerpt from a Swedish newspaper


Hello Badgers, First of all, I want to thank you all for your fantastic work bringing to light issues that very few other people dare to talk about. I thought I would share something ridiculous I found in a Swedish newspaper today. See the attached image and the translation below: The top line says “Men’s* contribution to discussions about rape on social medias” The first color...

Chanty Binx Wants Your Shekels, Misogynists!


I imagine most people here are already accustomed to the red haired meme face of feminism, Chanty Binx, but for those who aren’t familiar with her she protested a MRM related conference at the University of Toronto and outside this conference she engaged in an argument with 2 MRAs which after being recorded was uploaded to the internet in the form of the following video.…

“Nice” feminism: How a hate movement uses its grassroots against men


NAFALT – not all feminists are like that – is a frequently offered counter to discussion about the hatred and bigotry that permeates modern feminist activism. It’s used to hold up people who identify as feminist, subscribe to feminist ideology, and support mainstream feminist organizations, but don’t consider themselves misandrist, as a shield to protect the movement from scrutiny.…

The Cell of the Innocent


In Spain, virtually all discussion about men’s rights has something to do with the current legislation on gender violence. And for a very good reason: our equivalent to the Violence Against Women Act (the LIVG) is one of the most aggressive and feminist-inspired in the world.…

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