I realize that everyone likely saw Hannah’s article on the Ctrl-Left instead of my article last week. No I didn’t quit or get canned or anything silly like that. I actually had quite a bit of personal stuff to deal with so my planned article on breaking the narratives of the GoogleMemo ended up not being possible.…
“Alt-right?” Meet the CTRL-left.
The discussion surrounding recent political violence in the United States has reached a surreal state, with serious allegations being widely flung about and taken seriously regardless of whether or not they are deserved.
Yes, some terrible things have happened, and yes, there has been terribly violent rhetoric.…
Female Violence, society’s blind spot – Badger Talk 5
Most men’s issues advocates and activists, especially those whose focus is on issues surrounding intimate partner and sexual violence, already know the sex of the individual taking an action doesn’t change its nature… but what about the rest of society?…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 53: Still Want That Baby Soft Skin Huh? INTACTIVISM NOW!
In approximately 86% of the Western world if you’ve had a son or were born a son during the late 20th century, chances are you’ve been exposed to Male Genital Mutilation, also known as circumcision. Well what if I were to tell you that there is actually a first world country that has both its medical establishment and its citizenry wanting the practice banned?…
Feminist and social justice editions: The Peter Principle
By Not Faber451
In the sci-fi disaster movie The Core, astronaut Rebecca Childs (Hilary Swank) keeps missing out on her coveted promotion to shuttle commander. Her commander Robert Iverson (Bruce Greenwood) explains to her that her flawless service record and personal history are the problem.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 44: RenAi BoKun/Love Tyrant Breaking A Review!
Well everyone, this week I’ve decided that I should do another anime review to show the idiot feminists we’ve been dealing with how it’s done. I checked and AniFem does have a review of this show themselves but if last week was any indicator it’s likely shit.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 38: Of Rebuilds and Rebirths! Lilith is a Feminist!
Alright, here we go back into the fray! Last time on Breaking the Narrative we were dealing with Freudian stereotypes, cult masturbation and exploding economies! In other words, another day in the life of feminist power politics. No surprise here.…
Breaking The Narrative Episode 36: College Humor? These Comics Are Shit!
I was trolling around on my facebook and came across this from a site called Bored Panda, promoting a shit feminist narrative from College Humor. It’s ten images of what it would look like if the government representation situation was reversed.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 34: Again Anita? #NotAProblem!
Seeing as most people here are in the same circles its probably fair to say that you’ve heard about or seen Anita Sarkeesian’s latest video on ‘ethnic women.’ In the past, I’ve approached Sarkeesian’s arguments by either showing how she is wrong or showing what she has missed.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 33: Wibbly Wobbly Wordy Lordy Stuffs! Why Do These Labels Make No Sense?”
Due to the events that seem to keep popping up since the inauguration, hell, for the past 50+ years or so, I think that we need to talk about two very specific labels concerning politics: Liberal and Conservative. You may be wondering, “What does this have to do with Men’s Rights or Vidya Alex?”…
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