If the events of the past few weeks have taught us anything, it’s that misinformation can do a lot of damage. A mistake of association was all that was needed for the media to further soil the name of the men’s rights movement. I am not so irrational as to believe that such an association was made on purpose.…
Honey Badger Radio: Being Badger
We’re told we’re in it for the money, for the fame, for the attention. We’re told we’re Stepford Wives, that we don’t know our own minds, that we suffer from internalized misogyny. We’re called bitches, sister-destroyers, and gender-traitors.
We’re female men’s rights activists.…
Elliot Rodger, feminist fuel
“Badger, I’ve been reading articles claiming that MRAs influenced Elliot Rodger to kill women. Is this true?”
Of course it is! We are also responsible for global warming, all of the endangered species becoming extinct, the death of the first-born in biblical times, and original sin itself.…
Recursion: SPLC Sourcing Manboobz, ABC Sourcing SPLC
Last year, Southern Poverty Law Center’s Spring “Intelligence Report” exposed hate groups, focusing on “patriot movements.” The same ‘Issue 145’ profiled online spaces for Men’s Rights Activism as “woman hating,” and it’s posted to SPLC’s website.…
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