The “real man” dogma


“Badger, I hear a lot of people trying to tell us men what a ‘real man’ is. Their definitions are all conflicting, so what is a ‘real man’?”
I’ve noticed that there is a difference between those who stand up for and support men and those who think that men are lacking.…

Women to avoid like the plague


Sadly, dating in the 21st century has become a minefield for men to navigate at their own risk. A danger zone with no signs. How can men stay safe in a society in which dating dysfunction abounds? The Honey Badger Brigade outlines a few female archetypes that men should avoid like the plague.…

Tips on how to get through activism burnout


“Badger, I’m worn out. I can’t take another discussion with a feminist or SJW. How can I get through this? I still want to be an activist but I’m burnt out. Help!” We’re all very passionate in what we do, and it takes hard work and for many long hours to get information out in many different mediums—whether it’s street activism, videos, artwork, forums...

Men deserve to be pampered


“Hey, Badger, I had a date with a new lover of mine and he asked me to pick up dinner. Fine, but then he also asked me to pick up beer. I mean, he usually picks up dinner and surprises me with dessert. He didn’t bring dessert this time either. We had a good time, but now I’m upset.…

Dear Feminists, FTHO


Since the May 23 killings in California, feminists have been trying to exploit the tragic deaths as political fodder by ignoring the reality of Elliot Rodger’s rampage and substituting their own.
Many women have participated in a hysterical rush to vomit hateful, male-blaming rhetoric interspersed with orgasmic renditions of female victimhood and helplessness.…

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