
HYPOAGENCY – “Women are wonderful”


I first heard the expression “Women are wonderful” from Typhonblue as a label for the tendency to attribute only good motives for women, or to erase, trivialize or explain away anything negative a woman does. I have since heard the expression elsewhere, but it does not seem to be very widespread.…

MISOGYNY – Why women trash successful women


Michelle Goldberg has a good article up at CNN that discusses a common form of women-on-women misogyny, the tendency to slam women who stand out. Although she appears at times to veer into “blaming men for the shit women do” territory, that appearance is more an artifact of the cultural vocabulary available to her than anything she is actually saying.…

MISOGYNY – Magdalene laundries: Ireland accepts state guilt in scandal


Get ready for some rage.
For decades in Ireland, beginning in 1922, women were detained, sometimes for most of their lives, for having babies out of wedlock or sometimes just for being “morally wayward”. These women were not free to go, worked for no wages in unfit conditions as laundry workers and often were denied any contact with the outside world, including their families.…

MISOGYNY – Misogyny? High heels and choices


Salon.com has an article up that explores reasons besides added height as possible explanations as to why women wear high heels. High heels have to rank with corsets and neckties as extremes of stupid, uncomfortable clothing.
It turns out though maybe however stupid high heels may be, they may be stupid ina very effectual way.…

TALES OF THE RED PILL – Feminist Allies of MRAs


Something you notice almost immediately in a space like Reddit MensRights is the number of women, often self-identified feminists, sometimes ex-feminists, who come by curious about a subreddit they have heard denounced as misogynistic, and have a look for themselves – or who are just interested in men’s issue and think that’s a good place check out.…

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