
Manspreading In All the Wrong Places


So Manspreading has been in the news recently. Two men in New York were arrested for spreading their legs on a subway. It sounds stupid when you say it out loud, yet, it is true. Before we discuss what happened to these men, we need to understand what is manspreading and the controversy behind it.…

Diffusion of Responsibility


In April, I participated in the A to Z challenge for my blog. This was my second year and likely my last year doing this. What I did for the challenge was introduce terms that should be taught as literary terms for a new age. To write about life, we need to understand life.…

How many falls does it take to level up from biased media to journalist?


The #gamergate protest started as a result of evidence hinting that many sources among games media were colluding together behind the scenes to promote their own agenda. The most obvious piece of the puzzle was a series of articles, all posted on the same day, giving a false description of gamers that was apparently intended to be derogatory, declaring their interests unimportant to either media...

THE FEMINIST PIMP HAND – Rape hysteria and the female victims


Typhonblue identified the Feminist Pimp Hand as a tendency of feminists to pimp women and their sufferings and to regulate on them if they step out of line and imperil the victim narrative feminists need to justify all their demands and imprecations. Pimps use the pimp hand to beat their whores back into line but they also use it to intimidate them and get them into line in the first place, to...

FEMALE PRIVILEGE – Women Are Wonderful, 人彘 “human swine”, bullying and the Anglophone Pussy Pass


The Women Are wonderful trope is misogynist for a number of reasons, but there are two main ones. For one thing dehumanizing women by putting them on some unnatural moral pedestal is inherently misogynist. More directly and concretely, this trope of inherent womanly wonderfulness erases the violence that women do and erases their victims, most of whom are other women and girls.…

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