
How does this happen? | HBR Talk 327


We’re following up with last week’s interruption of our deep dive into Suffragette history this week for to continue examining the weird and interesting information surrounding Ryan Routh and his assassination attempt on Trump, as well as a discussion about the implications of his actions, history, and bounty letter, and how men are targeted with that kind of propaganda… along with some new...

Piers Morgan Yeeted, Pregnant Air Force, the Aztecs in Education | HBR News 298


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we discuss the recent removal of Piers Morgan from Good Morning Britain because he fails to meet the latest woke standards, the reaction to Tucker Carlson’s reaction to President Biden’s statements regarding the feminist changes to the military, a California public school proposes Aztec chants to their...

An Afghanistan veteran’s thoughts on the draft


The genesis of this piece was to reach out to the Honey Badgers with some of my thoughts on women in “Combat Arms” Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) and the draft.  While inspired by the /pol/ cast 01 episode, I wasn’t so much responding to any specific argument but wanted to share my perspective as a former Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) and a veteran of the Afghan war.  …

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