
Breaking the Narrative Episode 109:We Are Plato’s Philosopher. The Lesson of Gurren Lagann!


Happy New Year and Welcome Back! I hope you had a good holiday season whatever you celebrate! Tim… Winter-een-mas is never gonna be a thing much less what you’ll be remembered for….accept it and the LOSS! Now that I have that dead set of memes out of the way I bet you are wondering “What are you talking about today Alex and where is that Gundam shit you promised...

Breaking the Narrative Episode 104: Happy International Men’s Day 2018! Flexible Mentorship!


Today on this International Men’s Day of 2018 the theme of the day is strong male role models. Now I’ve talked about male mentors and the importance of mentorship in the past. However these are typically examples of fictional role models, characters you could play as or play with that can be seen as a series of traits to live by.…

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