Join us on the Community Cozy stream as Alison and Brian discuss the rise of a new religion in the wake of the re-emergance of Black Lives Matter and how it relates to men’s issues. Tune in @1:30pm Eastern!
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Join us on the Community Cozy stream as Alison and Brian discuss the rise of a new religion in the wake of the re-emergance of Black Lives Matter and how it relates to men’s issues. Tune in @1:30pm Eastern!
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This week HBR Talk features investigative journalist Naama Kates, host of The Incel Project, and British Badger Belle Natty Kadifa, discussing the issue of young people (especially boys & young men) getting recruited to groups like these and used, essentially, as soldiers… and how these and other factors may contribute to that phenomenon.…
This week, HBR Talk is continuing our examination of the DeVos Title IX updates and the issues and activism surrounding them. The discussion streams on multiple platforms. You can tune in Thursday at 7:30PM Eastern via the link in the lowbar, or find other viewing and listening options for that time or later, on…
What part of DUE don’t feminists and the politicians who pander to them understand? Thank goodness for Betsy DeVos! HBR Talk explores recently announced Title IX reforms and the political response to them: Tune in at 7:30PM EST, 11:30PM GMT
Opening monologue transcript
What happens when the Bureaucratic Mind Virus is faced with a potentially robust immune system?It goes on the attack.How does the host nation fight back? Badgers discuss. Tune in at 7:30PM EST, 11:30PM GMT
Opening monologue transcript
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Listen in as we discuss the rampant, barely addressed Bureaucratic Mind virus epidemic, its effects, and its implications for men and boys. Tune in at 7:30PM EST, 11:30PM GMT
Opening monologue transcript
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HBR discusses feminism’s use of selective attention and shaming language to promote the female victim identity, used in turn to support the movement’s various grifting activities. Tune in at 7:30PM EST, 12:30AM GMT
Opening monologue transcript
Listen in as HBR Talk continues last week’s discussion with an examination of the phenomenon of hiding bad arguments behind pretty labels and a rundown on why the men’s rights movement really is not compatible with feminism. Tune in at 7:30PM EST, 12:30AM GMT
Opening monologue transcript
Join HBR Talk as we dig into the myth that MRAs are only in conflict with feminists because we don’t understand feminism. Tune in at 7:30PM EST, 12:30AM GMT
Opening monologue transcript
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Join HBR Talk as we discuss the consistent rejection by the UK’s legislators in the face of public agitation for gender-neutral laws against sexual violence. What is their objection to equal accountability, and what does this indicate about feminists’ use of crime statistics to make statements about gender-inequality in perpetration?…
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