Join us on a show as we look at the proposed policy changes and executive orders put forth by the new Biden/Harris administration regarding women’s issues. Will they solve sexism and make feminism obsolete? Find out tonight @6:30 pm Eastern!…
When mean girls attack – handling relational aggression | HBR Talk 166
This week on HBR Talk, we’ll be discussing with Prim Reaper ways of handling this type of abuse as a target, or as a friend helping a target through his ordeal. You can tune in Thursday at 7:30PM Eastern, or find other viewing and listening options for that time or later, on…
Relational aggression and victim gender – a tale of two standards | HBR Talk 165
This week, HBR Talk will examine our society’s gender-based double standards for victims of “mean girl” bullying, and how that translates into an inability to prevent tragic outcomes like social withdrawal, suicide, generational abuse cycles, and mass violence when abuse victims are pushed past their psychological limits. …
Antifeminism, relational aggression, and the men’s rights movement | HBR Talk 164
This week, Judith Char will join us on HBR Talk to examine the relationship between antifeminism and men’s rights, along with claims made by some feminists that MRAs are reactionary, misogynistic opponents of women’s equality. You can tune in Thursday at 7:30PM Eastern, or find other viewing and listening options for that time or later, on…
Update with Deborah Powney | HBR Talk 163
This week HBR Talk will feature Deborah Powney discussing her recent survey on male victims of coercive control. the discussion streams on multiple platforms. The discussion streams on multiple platforms. You can tune in Thursday at 7:30PM Eastern, or find other viewing and listening options for that time or later, on…
Discussion with Diana Davison: The lighthouse project and due process issues | HBR Talk 162
HBR Talk 162 will feature Diana Davison, to tell us about the Lighthouse Project and discuss issues surrounding false accusations, faulty law and policy, court biases, and the civil right of due process. The discussion streams on multiple platforms.…
Progressive intersectionality: All roads lead back to whammon | HBR Talk 161
This week, HBR Talk will discuss how most “wokeness” dies at the point where the demographic crosses paths with a feminist-defined women’s issue, pushing genuine social issues aside for the feminist grift. The discussion streams on multiple platforms.…
The History and Evolution of Feminism With Janice Fiamengo | Fireside Chat 161
Join us on the Fireside chat with Janice Fiamengo. Janice is currently working on a new paper that examines the ways in which feminism has evolved and adapted like a parasitic virus so that it never loses irrelevancy as it eats away at its host. Join us!…
#InternationalMensDay: Deborah Powney surveying male victims of coercive control | HBR Talk 160
Tonight’s HBR Talk will feature Deborah Powney discussing her survey as part of her work on the subject of male victims of abuse. The discussion streams on multiple platforms. You can tune in Thursday at 7:30PM Eastern, or find other viewing and listening options for that time or later, on…
The 3 main female responses to Movember are 2 too many | HBR Talk 158
This week, HBR talk will discuss Movember, male health initiatives, and the tendency of feminist grifters to “support” men’s issues initiatives by taking them over and redirecting them to feminist interests. The discussion streams on multiple platforms.…
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