Tagmen’s rights

CRT, datamining, and woke-testing… oh, boy! | HBR Talk 202


This week, HBR Talk will discuss issues surrounding the imposition of critical race theory on students and families in local school systems, the demonization of parents who have questioned this initiative, the use of federal authority as a weapon against those parents, and of course, that coincidence that is totally not a conflict of interest.…

Is this Men’s Rights? YouTube Removes Dislike Button, Rittenhouse Trial Ends! | HBR News 332


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we discuss some follow up stories such as the closing of the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, the beginning of the trials of Ghislaine Maxwell, YouTube removes the dislike button, one of the largest investment firms in the world will have to request permission to hire white men, eating meat is a sign of fragile...

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