TagMen’s Movement

MALE DISPOSABILITY – Empathy Apartheid, Part II – Deflections and Dismissals


Empathy apartheid takes maintenance. If it isn’t maintained and policed, people’s basic humanity will lead them to show empathy for the people their society has deemed undeserving of it and the system will collapse. So these same people, sadly, use various deflections and dismissals – silencing mechanisms and minimizing tactics to maintain the system.…

MALE DISPOSABILITY – Erasing male rape victims, Part II – Tamen evaluates a British and a Norwegian study on rape victims and finds invalidating methodological errors


Typhonblue asked Tamen about a British study of crime, the CESW, especially about the rape statistics:
“I looked at the source documents. Is the reason why there is such a low rate of men reporting “serious sexual assault” in both the alternative and current questionnaires?”…

DOUBLE STANDARDS – Feds look into discipline rates in Seattle schools


“SEATTLE (AP) — The U.S. Department of Education is investigating the high rate at which black students are disciplined in Seattle Public Schools, a problem that has plagued the district for decades.” Well good for the feds; it’s high time. This is in the context of a general culture-wide conception of black people as especially troublesome, violent, crime-prone – requiring special measures...

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