Tagmedia bias

Breaking the Narrative Episode 15: Cosplay is not Consent? Then Why Did You Jump On Me?


So since the past few years have seen a lot of signs talking about cosplay, slut shaming, and groping at various geek culture conventions. I couldn’t help but poke my head into this because of my own experience. Full disclosure here, I have been going to anime conventions since 2003 when I was 17 at the first Ikasucon in Cincinnati, Ohio.…

Is there Racism While Driving?


A few months ago, a study came out trying to measure Racial Discrimination among Police Searches of Motor Vehicles. In this study, they  not only measure traffic stops, but also how often vehicles were searched and how often contraband was found.…

Feministo + Collaborators; teaching journalists on how to bias their reporting


“Use the Right Words” is an unfocused and poorly researched guide giving highly questionable advice to journalists reporting on sexual violence. Published by Feministo & collaborators, the document includes a highly biased list of Do’s and Don’ts as well as advice on finding and interviewing victims and tips for journalists who encounter sexual violence.…

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