I decided upon this fun little review after seeing the 11th episode of this series because it left a fun little line in it from a gynoid that shows exactly what the creator thinks of the concept of feminism, namely that they think its shit! That line?…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 59: Game Journos, not every game is Dark Souls. Dark Souls Isn’t Even That Hard.
If you are a regular to my articles I’m sure you are extremely familiar right now with the antics of Dean Takahashi of Venture Beat, what with his inability to tell a Mega Man X styled platformer from a Mario styled one concerning the game Cuphead, maybe even the comparing of many other games such as Crash Bandicoot to Dark Souls. …
Breaking the Narrative Episode 57: Devil Going Back Down to Georgia! Finishing a Defense of the American South!
Here we go back to the regular articles, if you remember last time it was a regular episode I was defending my homeland of the American South by tearing apart the wikipedia article on it. Now we are going to continue that and go more into the actual culture than we are the view of the people and the like.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 56: The American South is Not Holding Us Back!
Today we are going to do something a tad different. Its no secret to anyone who is a regular to my articles or any of my social media that I am from the Southern United States (Tennessee specifically). This can be seen by one of the first articles I’ve done as well.…
Breaking the Narratve Episode 52: EXTREME MISOGYNY BRO!
So today, we are going after the UK rag The Independent, primarily because they just can’t help but be so blatantly ironic in the writing of this article. From my comprehension their position is like most contemporary ‘news’ media of being extreme to the left.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 49: Feature-ception! Royal Privilege is a Lie!
Today after spending the bulk of a month away from anime (after the anime month,) AniFem has proved to be complete cancer yet again, pushing shit now about privilege while kids die in Manchester and Laci Green inquires about sacred Kekistan.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 47: The Side Show Never Ends! Its Time To Stop, Anita!
This keeps happening, It just keeps happening. I can’t even begin to count how many times people have picked apart these arguments bit by bit and ravaged them in the most obscene ways. Even with that in mind and her audience waning by the day, she tries to continue her insanity with the aptly named “The FREQ Show” starting with a popular subject for this breed of bigots –...
Breaking the Narrative Episode 46: Bill Nye, Ya Dun Goofed Guy!
Well going into the month of May I guess I can touch upon this. After reading the title you must be thinking I’m going to weigh in on the gender pandering episode everyone and their mom had gone and mocked thoroughly. No, I’m here to break a much more constant narrative promoted by the Bill Nye Saves the World show – Violence born of video games.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 42: In Lieu of a Question, The Mary Sue Has an Answer?!”
I was planning on debunking some more AniFem bullshit but to my chagrin it seems Ameila Cook is… pretty damn lazy. So to go for something more recent, I searched something from this month concerning feminism and anime. What I got was… Marykate Jasper of The Mary Sue pushing something that I roundly debunked about a year ago before I started this particular feature series.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 41: Feminists Tell Noobs How to Get Into Dungeons and Dragons!
To keep with the gaming attitude I’m going for something just left of where we’ve been aimed at for the past two weeks. We are going into an article based around Dungeons and Dragons as you’ve obviously seen from the title, but where is the context?…
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