
The Lack of Empathy for Men in the Modern Age: The Rise of the Men’s Rights Movement


Written by Peachy_by_night18 December 2019

Editor’s note: This article is the writer’s research, done for a class. Though it contains some assertions and accepts some concepts that many in the movement will not agree with, it is of interest to the men’s issues discussion for a couple of reasons.…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 112: Whats in a Name? An Overview of Zeta Gundam’s Kamille Bidan.


Well here we go from outcast to outcast as we delve back into Zeta Gundam’s characters. Again, as with Char, I will state that I’ll likely do a full review of the Zeta Gundam anime before the first of April. The reason for that is because in addition to around that time marking my full third year on this site, it marks the 40th anniversary of the Gundam metaseries franchise. …

Breaking the Narrative Episode 109:We Are Plato’s Philosopher. The Lesson of Gurren Lagann!


Happy New Year and Welcome Back! I hope you had a good holiday season whatever you celebrate! Tim… Winter-een-mas is never gonna be a thing much less what you’ll be remembered for….accept it and the LOSS! Now that I have that dead set of memes out of the way I bet you are wondering “What are you talking about today Alex and where is that Gundam shit you promised...

Breaking the Narrative Episode 77: I Live Free Under My Flag! A Character Study of Captain Phantom F. Harlock!


When I started writing for the Honey Badgers about 2 years ago I  had discussed depictions of men in anime, namely because of some of my own participation in anime geekdom. Now I think its time I do something I’ve done before with Samus Aran but this time with one of my favorite fictional characters ever – Captain Phantom F.…

The miseducation of young men, part three


by Seth Joseph This is part three of a series about the ways we as a society lie to young men about dating, women, and relationships. “Women Are Oppressed by Men” Let us focus this final segment on the biggest lie— one of the most insidious, divisive, toxic ideas to ever be elevated to a level of dogma by Western Civilization: the idea than women are now, and have always been getting the short...

The Worst Crime


I’ve been reading a new book, “Sex Difference Explained: From DNA to Society – Purging Gene Copy Errors” by Steve Moxon. It’s a book from New Men’s Studies, which is an independent research company out of Australia that focused on issues (and studies) that affect men and boys, that is not tainted by conclusion driven research of Feminism, but rather looking at the...

The miseducation of young men, part one


by Seth Joseph We lie to young men. We do it so much and in so many ways. Wishful thinking, perhaps? We all need that from time to time— a polite side-stepping of the truth can be a necessary lubrication, an oil in grinding gears. But when it comes to women, and particularly what we teach about dating, the lies and half honest answers we feed our young men can do quite a lot of harm in the long...

Breaking the Narrative Special 2: Breaking a Review with Kunio-Kun!


Hello everyone, hope you’ve had a good week coming to terms with the results of last week and are ready to delve into something we don’t usually do around here. Oh and I know I’m a couple of days late and all since my articles upload on Mondays but… since this is the nearest one to it, HAPPY BELATED INTERNATIONAL MEN’S DAY!…

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