
Catching Up With The Centre for Male Psychology With Dr. John Barry | Fireside Chat 206


Join us on the Fireside Chat with special returning guest Dr. John Barry of the Centre for Male Psychology! The Centre for Male Psychology evolved from the success of the UK-based Male Psychology Network (MPN). The seeds of this voluntary organization were sown by a letter from consultant clinical psychologist Martin Seager, published in the BPS Psychologist magazine in December 2010.…

Discussing the Evolution of Feminism With Prof. Edward Dutton| Fireside Chat 180


Join us on the Fireside Chat with special guest Professor Edward Dutton as we talk about why feminism exists, death cults, testosterone levels, the insanity of leftism, and more! Tune in @2pm Eastern!

Professor Edward Dutton’s YouTube channel covers a wide variety of controversial topics such as gender, politics, evolution, IQ, academia and more!…

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