
Julie Bindel Tells Us How British Feminism is Doing Feminism the Bestest | HBR Debate 55


Join us on HBR Debate as we go through a calm-versation between Benjamin Boyce and feminist Julie Bindel. Julie Bindel is an author and second wave feminist who is well known around the world for her work. She tells us that her narrative of men oppressing women under patriarchy is somehow unique from other feminisms and their narrative of men oppressing women under patriarchy.…

Black Lives’ Manor, Illegal Birthday Cards, Twitch to Ban Users for OFFLINE Behavior | HBR News 302


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we discuss the recent developments regarding the two teen girls who carjacked an Uber Eats driver which led to the driver’s death, the Black Lives Matter co-founder who has recently purchased a $1.4 Million home, a New York bill being proposed that would make it rape to deceive your partner into sex...

Trump Targets “White Male Privilege” Training, Dr. Dre’s Costly Divorce | HBR News 272


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we talk about the various battles the Foundation for Individual Rights on Education(FIRE) are embroiled in, Trump’s war on the progressive neo-Marxist attack on whiteness and especially maleness in the workplace, equal parenting rights in Nairobi, and more!…

The Spectre of feminism


by Alex Thorne
I’ll begin this piece by clumsily using the first line from Karl Marx and Freidrich Engels’ Communist Manifesto: ‘There is a spectre haunting Europe; The spectre of Communism’ [1]. For the purpose of today’s idea, I’d like you to replace the word ‘Communism’ with ‘Feminism’.…

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