Tagmale suicide

CAFE’s COVID-19 Suicide Prevention Campaign & More With Philipp Tanzer | Week In Men’s Rights


Hello and welcome to the Week in Men’s Rights show where we bring you the latest efforts, programs, and outreach that folks have made in the interests of men’s issues. This week we have special guest Philippp Tanzer and will be discussing a variety of topics including a survey being used to highlight the experiences of male victims of intimate partner violence, CAFE efforts to curb...

How men’s issues show men’s strength | Negative Sum Game 2


Campaign against living miserably’s or CALM is a feminist founded and run charity that deals with men’s mental health. CALM’s chief executive Jane Powell said: “So often their own worst enemies, men need new rules for survival. Outmoded, incorrect and misplaced male self-beliefs are proving lethal and the traditional strong, silent response to adversity is increasingly failing to...

Breaking The Narrative Episode 84: Aim for the Top! A Review of Megalo Box!


Something I’ve been noticing this season of anime is a lot of anime coming out that show the true nature of men and masculinity. Either through what we’ve gone over with emotion in Souten No Ken Regenesis, or with the nature of a show I plan on covering later called Devil’s Line, which not only tackles demonization and isolation, but the loneliness that occurs from it.…

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