Tagmale sexuality

Feminism: Kills sperm dead


Western men’s sperm counts are down. Scientists suspect chemicals, but could feminism’s demonizing narrative be a factor?
Toxic masculinity is a buzzword created by feminists to facilitate blaming men for the external pressures to which they are subjected, most often by the very systems and social attitudes that feminists themselves support and exploit.…

Different Names, Same Pain


Every day, I wake up Every day, I hear the same two words uttered in different ways   Every man All men   What follows next is not always the same But in the end they have the same hurtful meaning   Simple-minded Sex-crazed   And when someone utters the words not all, they get called different names with the same pain intended   Misogynist Anti-feminist   Every day I...

Consent, part 1


We constantly hear talk about consent, usually in reference to YES means YES. As most of you reading this probably know YES means YES is terrible standard for consent. We are just in our criticism of it. But if we are to effect positive change in relation to rape & sexual assault we should discuss consent and the different standards of consent.…

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