It’s been 40 years since the US stopped relying on a draft to fill its Army, although males and not females are still required to register and face significant disadvantages if they don’t. In that time the predicted rise of a hereditary warrior class has in fact taken place and is coming close to being completed.…
TALES OF THE RED PILL – Feminist Allies of MRAs, Part II – Double Standards
Feminism is a men’s issue. Amanda Marcotte and others repeatedly insist that feminism is good for what ails men, in other words that feminists and women get to dictate to men what solutions are valid for men’s issues. This is part of the tradcon division of labor we see in so many marriages where the woman gets the responsibility and all the power over social relations – in...
ACTIVISM – One Piece of Advice at a Time
“Is cunamh mór comhairle mhaith” – “Good advice is great help.”
It is also a form of activism.
Someone getting ready to marry was presented a really lopsided prenup and didn’t know what to think of it, so he asked the Reddit community on r/Mensrights.…
MISANDRY – Trying to get services for a male victim of domestic violence
This story will come as no surprise to anyone familiar with what male victims of domestic abuse face when it comes to getting taken seriously and getting any kind of services in their time of need. But there are lots of denialists out there, some out of self-interest because they think victimhood is a female prerogative or perhaps out of macho posturing because they like to think men are...
Male Rape Victims Need Not Apply
The military has a problem with sexual assault.
As many men as women have come forward as victims. Likely this means that the problem for men is even more vast then they admit.
Look at this article on the problem.
Notice how the equal number of male victims suddenly disappear when it gets personal.…
FEMALE PRIVILEGE: Assholes Come in Two Flavours: Male and Female, Part II
In her post “Assholes Come in Two Flavours: Male and Female” Typhonblue outlined the rim of the issue* by flipping the genders to show how outrageous the young woman’s sexism was.
Let’s look at this now as an example of female privilege in a little more detail and list the ways it is.…
Assholes Come in Two Flavours: Male and Female
A while back on tumbler I believe there was a young woman who talked about an unpleasant experience she’d had on the subway. A male cyclist hit on her and when she rejected his advance went a little, shall we say, sideways. This all happened in the relative anonymity of an empty subway car.…
MISANDRY – Sexist Pigs, Female Chauvinists
Back when feminism was becoming a mass movement back in the early 70’s, back when it was still Women’s Liberation, a lot of its success as a cultural movement was because feminists coined good, powerful slogans and terms that really spoke to people.…
Male Privilege: Slut Shaming
Slut shaming. Supposedly women are more affected. Yet I can’t help but notice the following: Female Sex Toys are empowering; male sex toys are perverted Promiscuous women are expressing their sexuality; promiscuous men are ‘using’ their sex partners for selfish kicks Women should be lauded for their sexual desires; men should be ashamed of theirs because male desire...
MALE PRIVILEGE – Ironic Male Privilege Checklist
A comment by MrStonedOne over on a r/MensRights thread caught my eye. It goes beyond the usual privilege lists by parodying them. Enjoy
Check Your Privilege!
A Guide To Male Privilege
•The privilege of paying child support at age 14 to the 30-year-old woman who raped him.…
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