
Whiteness is Maleness is Badness | HBR Debate 26


Join us on HBR Debate as we examine the recent infographic that was released by the National Museum of African American History & Culture which explains all the ways in which “whiteness” and “white supremacy” permeates our society with things like family, respect for authority, individualism, delayed gratification and other masculi-er I mean huwyte values.…

Pretty sneaky, sis – a victim identity cult tactic | HBR Talk 84


HBR Talk looks at feminists’ use of false labels and other orwellian language manipulation as a means of avoiding or heading off rational assessment of their ideas. Tune in at 7PM EST!

0:00:40 – 0:09:06 — Hannah’s Animated Into (audio is out of sync) 0:12:00 – 0:13:38 — Murder On The Job (Are women more likely to be murdered on the job than men?)…

Letter to the badgers; on feminism and Quebec


Hello Badgers! (please call me Bob, I’m still closeted)
I wanted to come back to one of your guests in the show of January 29th, a young Quebecois man that seemed a bit in over his head facing off with Karen. Many of the things he said reflect my own impressions of the local situation of the SJW mentality, and I felt his points deserved to be clarified and expanded.…

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