TagJust For Fun

My Tweet to Lena Dunham, Re: Feminism, Ableism


It was Black Friday 2013, and I was depressed. I’m one of those SAD / holiday depression people. When in that mode, I use twitter to vent–nothing terrible, but negative. (It’s a bad habit.)
Lena Dunham had tweeted: “As a girl with serious thighs you dream of looking like Venus or Serena.…

META – Now Here’s What a Thread Should Look Like


Here’s a great old thread at Languagehat that the blogger has resurrected. (Languagehat is a old and cherished linguistics blog.) Take a look. People disagree there but are not only almost always civil with each other, but more is more important, and what makes the civility possible, they hold themselves to fairly rigorous standards of data, analysis and discussion.…

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