The year is 2000, I had been an owner of a Sega Dreamcast, playing Phantasy Star Online for months on effectively the first console I ever personally owned. It wouldn’t be much longer before I owned a Playstation 2. Shenmue had gotten released in the United States and I was enthralled.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 92: The Other Half of the Japanese Population Decline, the Hikkikomori
Good day everyone. The subject we are approaching here may seem like it’s a more broad aspect of what has happened to Japan’s native population, but as with most things, you will soon find that that this phenomenon happens more often to men than women.…
Breaking The Narrative Episode 71:A Brand New Era! Japan’s Hopeful Future?
Well happy new year everyone! I apologize for my absence, I’ve had multiple family and health issues during the holidays to deal with and am just now getting back onto things. As such I’m thinking of warming back up on something fun and positive.…
Why Feminism Despises Japanese Culture.
by Alex Tinsley
In the time since the rise of #GamerGate a lot of those critical of feminism and its practices may have noticed that they have tried their best to remove many aspects of Japanese culture from our own, aspects that have been introduced through both video games and anime.…
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