TagIt’s Shit Like This Feminists

Let’s examine this hidden detail in Australia’s family violence response training | HBR Talk 211


If you listen to feminists discuss the issue of intimate partner and sexual violence, you’ll get a very polarized view. In discussing female complainants who describe experiencing this type of violence, you’d be advised that “victims have a right to be believed,” and admonished that “their victimization is never their fault.”…

Three personal consequences of society’s addiction to female victimhood | HBR Talk 207


Remember that twitter conversation I talked about a couple of weeks ago when we were looking at the end of that dating advice article from the gold-digger forum?Oh. My. Giddy. Aunt. Sally.If you want to see just how off the rails an unstable woman can get, tell her that her right to control her own body comes with a responsibility to control her own body, and then stand your ground in the face of...

WTH is female dating strategy? | HBR Talk 192


This week, HBR Talk will be looking at a Guardian article, “‘Sales funnels’ and high-value men: the rise of strategic dating” by Katie Cunningham, in comparison to the reaction of feminist and other women to male pickup artistry. You can tune in to the youtube livestream, or find other viewing and listening options for that time or later, on honeybadgerbrigade.com.…

Aggressively woke: feminist-approved “toxic masculinity” | HBR Talk 183


This week, HBR Talk is going to discuss how “One good man” feminists end up rationalizing their own abusive aggression toward men and toward questioners of their faith as “good” aggression. You can tune in to the youtube livestream, or find other viewing and listening options for that time or later, on honeybadgerbrigade.com.…

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